Pregnant after IF

Question from Infertility!

Hi All! I'm my own worst enemy and can't help but POAS even though I know it's too early! (Today is 5dp5dt) So yesterday I did and.. there was a line! It was a squinter- but it was there and still is today! Is there any way that a 5,000 iu HCG trigger from 11 (now 12) days ago is still in my system? Is there anything else that could give me a false positive? I know all will be revealed at beta on Friday, but I can't help myself. Did anyone else get a positive this early?

Thanks so much!

TTC #1 since 02/2011
Me~35 DH~37
Dx- Unexplained Infertility
3/21/12- BFP, 4/9/12- M/C
8/12- IUI #1- BFN
9/26 & 9/27-IUI #2- back to back- BFN
Moved on to RE- 10/18
11/12- IUI #3- 75iu Follistim and HCG Trigger- BFN
12/12- IUI #4- Cancelled due to Cyst
1/13- IUI #4.1- 100iu Follistim and HCG Trigger- BFN
2/9/13- Started BCP in prep for IVF #1
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