August 2013 Moms

Team blue by accident

(Team blue by accident)

DH and I had our 20 week A/S today and the tech was explaining to us what all she was going to be looking for, taking pictures of, etc. When she was finished explaining I told her that we had decided to wait until the baby is born to find out the gender. Lo and behold.. Not even 10 seconds later she flips on the screen and she goes "Well,, can you tell what that is?" DH replied "Um.. Is it a boy?" And she said "Yep!" Well, I guess we found out whether we wanted to or not! I don't know if she didn't hear me or what but.... We're certainly team blue now! DH and I aren't really upset about knowing- just kind of shocked on learning the gender so soon and so unexpectedly. I just laid there laughing/crying out of pure happiness/shock that she had told us. I was pretty confident it was a girl, so I'm still wrapping my head around it all. I guess it'll be much easier decorating the nursery now. :) happy to report baby looks to be nice and healthy and is still due August 13. Woot! Woot! Team blue!

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