August 2013 Moms

I don't understand judgey moms

For mobile users "I don't understand judgey moms"

This is more a bloggy-vent thing. I just had to put it somewhere..

Whilst lurking on other boards and my FB, I notice a LOT of other FTM's (I am also a FTM) coming off as extremely judgey. As in, they're not even parents yet, and they think they know what's best, and that they are going to be the most amazing parents that have ever happened, ever.

I wish I could find a study on this somewhere, because I seriously do not understand it. I'm not saying I'm completely innocent, but I would never assume what someone else is doing parenting wise (short extreme circumstances) is "wrong". I would wonder why they were doing it that way, and if I was so inclined, I would ask! It's all about understanding!

I guess it just cracks me up seeing all these FTMs sitting there able to seriously type that they WILL EBF, and they WILL CD, they WILL have a med free birth, etc, etc. Then judging anyone they know close to them who doesn't do these things. Ya know, sometimes things just don't work out for people! My SIL tried VERY hard to EBF my nephew, and it just didn't work for her in the end. No big deal, I PLAN to EBF, but that doesn't mean I think any less of her, or her choices. My own mother wanted a natural birth so bad, but ended up having 4 c-sections instead. Most people (obviously) don't know why, but with the growing popularity of c-sections, she has gotten a lot of grief about it. Seriously! A 45 yr old woman is being judged for medical procedures she had done 20+ years ago!

Sometimes I really just wish people would pipe the ef down and calm their t!ts. You don't know everything, quite acting like you do. This is not a mom-etition. Gah!

Ok, I think I'm done. :) Sorry for the blog post! 

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