Pregnant after IF

Admitted to L and D

I woke up at 2am Sunday with what I thought were gas pains. By 8 they hadn't subsided so we called the OBs office and they told me to go to LD to get checked out. Sure enough I was having contractions... And am 2 cm dilated! They admitted me and put me on mag, which makes me feel awful. The contractions were 35 mins apart, but they have slowed to 10 and have gone way down in intensity. The doctors are going to have to decide if they want to keep me on the mag or take me off and see what happens. If they do that and the contractions get worse again, they will most likely deliver me c section. Please keep my boys in your thoughts! I know they will be okay, but I thought we'd have more time.

ETA not 35 mins apart, 3 to 5 mins apart
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Me: 29, DH 29

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