Pregnant after IF


If you had a diagnosis of PCOS, were you successful with IUI or IVF? Did you try IUIs before IVF? If you were successful on with an IUI, what medications were you on?

I am in the 2ww of my 3rd IUI with Clomid and Ovidrel. Not feeling very hopeful about this cycle. I am switching next cycle to Femara for 3 cycles as long as I respond, then possibly injectables. I know that results vary based on each female but I am trying to get a feel on if alot of women with PCOS have to resort to IVF.

Me: PCOS, Hypothyroid Husband:Normal HSG,SA--Normal Trying to conceive since November 2010. Cycles #1-3: Clomid-All BFNs Cycle #4 (January 2013): Clomid, Metformin, Ovidrel trigger, IUI #1=BFN Cycle #5 (February 2013): Clomid, Metformin, Ovidrel trigger, IUI #2=BFN
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