August 2013 Moms

IL issues.

I've got to vent, I realize it doesn't seem rational. 

I am infuriated at my MIL. They live really close. And consequently are thoroughly enbedded in our lives. Sometimes it's ok, they are nice enough people. But my MIL man, I swear she tries to steal every "moment" from me with my kids. Last Christmas we had to spend at their house because they filled their tree with gifts for the kids. They are quite affluent, so it was definitely a tiny Tim occasion in this house. We can't compete. And they are over there for a couple hours, and the witch f'in dyed Easter eggs with them. Yes I realize we can still dye Easter eggs and its not the end of the world but right now, it sure freaking feels like it. They look forward to it, and I was looking forward to do it with them, and now it just won't be as much fun.

There just isn't an end in sight, there is no way to get space. My husband is relatively supportive, but of course he wants to see his parents on the holidays etc, and the girls adore them ( because despite my wishes, they get to eat junk and watch TV the whole time they are over there, and often come home with one gift or another). 


Thanks if you made it through that :( Advice and commiseration is welcomed. 

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