August 2013 Moms

Mom mini vent

I'm a huge crafter. Etsy store, the whole deal.  My mom likes to drink her wine, and slobber paint all over a paint by numbers and demand we put these things up in our houses. Ugh. So I made the mistake of telling her how excited I was about this idea i had to spell out the baby's name in wooden letters, paint them a certain way, and hang them on the wall of the nursery. So she called me yesterday, said that I didn't have to make them myself, that she made them herself, sent me a picture of them, and they are probably the ugliest things I've ever seen. She used puff paints on them, like what we used on our shirts in the 80s...i told her that i wish she had asked what colours we were using for the nursery, and she said, well you can change them to match what i made.....she ended with the fact that she would sue me if i didnt hang them up. did i mention she's a tad insane?  My mantra is "she lives 400 miles away...she lives 400 miles away" 

Any good mom stories you have to share? 

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