August 2013 Moms

It's a....


And SHE was beautiful. I think, anyway. She wouldn't stop moving, so all of the shots were slightly blurry. The radiologist made the tech redo a bunch of them to try and get better shots. Lol. We were there an hour and a half!

On the flip side, my sch is smaller. Yay!

And I might have placenta previa. At the beginning of my ultrasound, the placenta went across my cervix. As the scan progressed, and my bladder got fuller, the placenta moved up. Even weirder, I had a contraction while I was there and it moved even further up. Sooo.... I "might" have previa, but I might not.

So, happy about my baby girl, slightly worried about previa.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

DS: age 4

DD: age 2

Currently pregnant with our 3rd!

BabyFetus Ticker</P

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