August 2013 Moms

Baby Shower Family Feud

I created this game for my sister's shower which was held last weekend.  I posted the following questions on my Oct 2011 BMB, the Northern California Bump Facebook group, a local new mom's group, and my facebook page. I thought you might find the answers helpful.  Below are the questions followed by their top responses and number of actual responses in parenthesis. Some of the questions ended up with a WIDE variety of responses, so you'll notice some low numbers, but these were still the most common. Enjoy!

What was your biggest challenge with a newborn?
Sleep deprivation, finding time to sleep (29)
Breastfeeding (18)
Figuring out baby?s cues, wants, needs (9)
Balancing new role, finding ?me? time (3)
Colic, constant crying that can?t be soothed (2)

What was your biggest adjustment with a newborn?
Sleep deprivation, adjusting my sleep schedule (33)
Balancing new role, finding ?me? time, taking care of myself (15)
Time management, things taking a lot longer (6)
Responsibility of another human 24/7 (4)
Change in relationship with significant other (4)
Breastfeeding (3)

What item could you not have done without?
Carrier/Wrap (13)
Nursing Pillow (9)
Swing (9)
Bouncer (5)
Pacifier (5)

What item did you end up not using?
Wipes Warmer (7)
Swing (6)
Carrier/Wrap (5)
Nursing Pillow (4)
Shoes (3)
Breast Pump (3)
Bumbo (3)

Favorite part of newborn stage?
Snuggles, cuddles (23)
Smiles, first smiles, milk-drunk smiles (10)
Sleeping baby on you (9)
Immobility (9)
Portability (4)

Least favorite part of newborn stage?
Sleep deprivation, broken sleep, sleep schedule (21)
Crying, not knowing why baby is crying (8)
Colic, crying that can?t be soothed (6)
Worry, fear, uncertainty (6)
Diapers, poopsplosions (5)
No smiles, interaction, personality yet (4)

Best toy for newborn?
Activity gym, mat (9)
Rattle (8)
Carseat toys (6)
Boob (5)
None (4)
Sophie (3)
Mobile (3)
Parent, caregiver, faces (3)
Best toy for 6 month old? 
Sophie (9)
Activity table, music table (5)
Rattle (5)
Ball (4)
Exersaucer (4)
Lamaze toys (Mortimer, Freddie, Jaques) (4)

Best toy 1 year old? 
Push toy, walker (11)
Musical instruments (4)
Play kitchen, pots & pans (4)
Ride-on toys, Crazy Coupe (4)

Best toy for 2 year old?
Play kitchen (6)
Books (5)
Trains (4)
Art supplies (3)
Doll (3)

Best keepsake?
Handprint, footprint (11)
Hospital mementos, hospital bracelet, hospital hat (10)
Photos, photobooks (9)
Handmade blankets, handmade quilts (7)
Videos (4)
Professional newborn photos (4)
Tiny baby clothes (4)

If you nursed, how long did you nurse for?
So many people were still nursing, so I removed this since it would not give an accurate reflection.  But for those that have already stopped, 9 months, 12 months, and 14 months were the most common responses though the range varied widely.

Favorite song to sing to baby?
You Are My Sunshine (14)
Twinkle Twinkle (8)
Itsy Bitsy Spider (5)
Hush Little Baby (4)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow (2)
I Love You, a Bushel & a Pack (2)
Baby Mine (from Dumbo) (2)

Favorite book to read to baby?
Goodnight Moon (13)
On the Night You Were Born (5)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar (5)
I Love You Through and Through (3)
Moo Baa La La La (3)
Guess How Much I Love You? (2)
Love You Forever (2)
Where is Baby?s Belly Button? (2)

Silliest baby trend?
Gender reveal parties (6)
Baby legs, leg warmers (3)
Wipes warmer (3)
Sophie (3)
Shopping cart covers (3)
Novelty pacifiers (2)
Designer, expensive, fancy strollers (2)
Designer, expensive, fancy clothes (2)

Favorite mode of transportation for baby?
Carrier, wearing (33)
Stroller (12)
Car Seat (5)
Car Seat/Stroller combo, Snap n Go (5)
Jogging Stroller, jogger (5)

How did you reconnect with your spouse?
Date nights (15)
Didn?t disconnect (11)
Time together after baby?s bedtime (10)
Sex (5)

Best way family/friends helped?
Brought food, cooked food (38)
Babysitting (11)
Watch baby so I could take care of myself/house (10)
Cleaning (7)
Laundry (4)
Stay overnight (3)

How often did you bathe your newborn?
This one was hard to calculate because of the different ways people answered ? sorry! 

Most important item to have for labor & delivery?
Hair tie, headband (7)
Music (6)
Comfy clothes, pajama pants (6)
Drugs, epidural (5)
Significant other (5)
Camera (5)
Chapstick (5)
Nipple cream, gel pads (3)
Laptop, smartphone, tablet (3)

Who was at your baby's birth?
Significant other (59)
Mom (13)
Doula (6)
Dad (3)
Midwife, midwives (3)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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