August 2013 Moms

We are having a...

I have been MIA lately due to a busy work schedule, but excited to share our news! 

We are having a GIRL! We are so excited to be Team Pink this time. Now we will have one of both! Tech was "very sure" he said and the radiologist came in to take a look (standard procedure for him) and he said congratulations on our healthy baby girl, so I am taking that as double confirmation. I am still going to hold on to the box of smallest baby boy clothes, because that scares

 We posted this pic for our announcement- we had done a "rock feet" family for our announcement so I painted one of the baby rock feet pink to share on FB and keep with the theme :)


For those that did not see it, here is out announcement pic :)


Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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