Pregnant after IF

I am so confused!!!! (Probably TMI)

So I went for my 38 week appointment today, DH couldn't come with me so I went alone - which doesn't typically happen.  Apparently I could've used his ears to retain things that were discussed. 

Anywho- on Monday I had a bout with very thin, watery discharge. Unlike anything I had had up to this point. I thought about calling the dr. Because it seemed so odd and I was also noticing a crampy, achy sensation at the same time and was very taken back by how different these symptoms were from anything else I had had up until this point. I eventually decided against it as I didn't want to be that neurotic FTM patient obsessing over eevery symptom. 

i mentioned this to my Dr. Today - and when she went to check me she surprised me with the speculum. And then really surprised me with "oh wow, you've got a raging yeast infection..."  Say whaaaaaat?????  Seriously, aside from the change in discharge (which hasn't been consistent) NO symptoms. I have not had a YI in probably 8 years but that last time was MISERABLE!!!!

So needless to say I am now a little freaked out about things. 

She gave me a script for cream but told me I couldn't use the applicator (she didn't want it all the way up there - I'm guessing bc I'm dilated?) I debated even filling the script bc I feel fine but decided to get it.  I used the cream on the outer lower area (again, sorry for the TMI) but am questioning how effective this is going to be?

i know yeast infections are super common during pregnancy but I am also terrified this is not going to clear up before I deliver. Even though she assured me it would not be a problem, again it freaks me out. 

If anyone has any insight I would really appreciate it :/

and ladies - let this be lesson. When in doubt, call the damn dr. I would've loved to have gotten a handle on this on Monday instead of today! 

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