August 2013 Moms

Update to 20 week u/s post - cerclage

I tried to update from the hospital today but phone was acting up. I figured I'd either have 5 posts or none at all. lol

Went in today to the maternal fetal medicine specialist. He confirmed a short cervix with funneling and recommended a cerclage. Got me in by 12noon and I was discharged by 5pm. BF joked that it was a full 9-5 day, just at the hospital instead of the office. lol

As of now I'm on reduced activity. I had to ask several follow up questions as to what that actually means, and what I can/can't do. Doc seemed a bit surprised but seriously, I'm not one to sit down and relax. Still I see yoga, walking and swimming in my future... just have to stay away from running, etc.

Thanks for all your well wishes last night! 

Lilypie Maternity tickers

BabyFruit Ticker

2011 BFP ended in miscarriage at 8w1d

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
-Henry David Thoreau

I am Bumping from my phone so please forgive typos, brevity and know that I can't see your siggys.
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