August 2013 Moms

When does it start to feel real?

I'm almost 18 weeks along now and it still all feels a little surreal for me.  I have the slightest bump showing (its my first), but other than that I just feel fat and sluggish :(  I know that sounds like an awful thing to say since this should be one of the most exciting times of my life, but I guess it just hasnt really set in yet...

I have been considerably lucky and have not had any symptoms so far, so I guess that could be why I dont really feel any different physically - but then I read all your wonderful posts on how overwhelming it was to see your baby on the ultrasound or hear its heartbeat and how excited you get when you find out what you're having (I find out on Monday) and I cant help but wonder why this is so "lackluster" (for lack of a better word) for me.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm just missing on that feminine gene that makes me glow and gush at every little moment of pregnancy...I'm hoping this all changes when I start feeling some movement.

Sorry for the random whiney post... I guess I just needed to get it out in writing.  I hope no one misunderstands - I seriously am completely excited to be pregnant and have loved seeing the little peanut on the ultrasound and could listen to the heartbeat for an hour at a time (we bought a home doppler)....  I dont know... maybe it just hasn't clicked for me yet.

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