August 2013 Moms


Hello...a friend pointed me in the direction of The Bump--and I really liked the community I found in the posts. I just joined and am looking forward to staying around for a while.

I'm a 31 y/o FTM, 18 w 5 d after 2 MC's. Very excited to be this far along!!

And we are having a BOY!! Husband says that was the best day of his life (apparently our wedding has been downgraded--haha).

I am a provider in the ER. I routinely deal with pregnancy in various stages. I often give medical advice to those who need it. But mommy advice--that's a whole different game. Often after assessing a patient and determining that they don't need medical medicine; I turn to one of my nurses and ask them to give "Mommy Medicine." 

I can provide great resources as far as medical management in pregnancy, MC, fertility, etc--but I am still a newbie when it comes to the common, everyday pregnancy woes. (In all my schooling I never knew you could get colostrum before you deliver. I was never taught that)!

Have a wonderful weekend bumpies. 

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