August 2013 Moms

Choroid Plexus Cysts at A/S


Hi Everyone. I don't post very often and mostly just lurk and get most of my questions answered without ever having to post. I've looked on the board and haven't found anything on this so I thought I would post to look for support and to also offer any future moms out there who may be told what I was told. 

 My A/S was yesterday and it was going great. The tech, who spoke not the greatest English but was very nice, was saying "beautiful" and "great" the whole time. We were really happy and having my mom being there with us was such a treat. Then she got to the brain part. My DH goes, "It looks like a black space there" and the tech said "yes, a cyst" in her broken English so that only I heard what she said. She didn't say a word and kept measuring stuff. I finally spoke up and said, "Is that bad?" and she said "Wait for doctor to interpret" which NO PERSON EVER wants to hear. It was another 20 minutes of me not hearing what anyone said in that room until she was done. Since the doctor wasn't there yet, we were sent over for our regular part of the appointment with the OB. She was very vague and also said that I had a low placenta, which didn't even address the "cyst" word I heard. We were then sent back to the US doctor, who is on the list as best fetal medicine doctor in our city. She was amazing! Confident and straightforward. She said that my baby has two choroid plexus cysts, one on each side of the brain. Now these cysts almost always clear up on their own, don't hurt the baby's brain development and no known studies show any hindrance in brain development in a child but are used as a soft marker for Trisomy 18. 

 I am 28, no known history on either side of family for any defects of any kind, and I had "normal" results from my NT scan at 12 weeks. Also, the rest of the ultrasound performed by the doctor was normal. She checked the face, the hands to make sure they were wide open, and the feet and legs to make sure they were straight. Everything else is completely normal with the baby measuring ahead and I will have the AFP test as another screen just to make sure. 

 Overall we are not worried in general, but because of this and my placenta, I now get two extra ultrasounds for which I am grateful. I may get flamed for this but what is important for me and my DH is that we would not take a child with Trisomy 18 full term. So finding out would mean a great deal to us. But again, we're hopeful!


Thanks for reading!

BabyFruit Ticker
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