Pregnant after IF

TP needed I am miscarrying (update)

I am pretty sure my water broke at midnight and now I am bleeding heavy red and cramping. We are 10 weeks. We called and there is nothing they can do tonight, so we will head to the OB in the morning for an ultrasound. I remember what it felt like with DS and this feels the same as when his water broke....I really can't believe this is happening and I can't see how a baby will survive with no water and all this blood gone. I haven't cried yet...I am so jittery and numb and nauseous. I want to do something to save this baby. So all I could think of to do is ask for prayers.

ETA: just got home from the OBs office.  My cervix was closed, bleeding has slowed to brown spotting, we heard the HB on the Doppler, then had an u/s where we saw the baby healthy with a great sack of water!!  But, there is a HUGE bleed next to the sack they called it a subchorionic hematoma and said it is really big.  This means more bleeding most likely, I was put on slight bed rest and light lifting, we are now even more high risk and not out of the woods.  

Thank you all for your prayers, I seriously called out to everyone today and I believe they were answered how we could only hope.  This is going to be a long 30 more weeks.....if things keep going like this.  I am off to nap bc I didn't sleep at all last night.   

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