August 2013 Moms

Full Blown Emotional Meltdown

So far in this pregnancy, my emotional meltdowns have been rare and fairly contained.  However, this morning I had a meltdown of epic proportions...over pickles.

I get up at 5 am every morning to make it to work while my husband sleeps in.  While making lunch for myself, I decided I REALLY wanted pickles with lunch.  I tried to open the pickle jar and failed. I grunted, I groaned, I ran hot water over it to no avail.  I suddenly broke down, crying in hysterics (the hyperventilating, snot-dripping-out-of-your-nose hysterics) and woke my husband up.  He thought someone had died.  When I explained that my tears were because I couldn't open the pickle jar he burst out laughing, gave me a hug, and opened the pickle jar.

Stupid pregnancy hormones :-(

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