August 2013 Moms

Best reaction I could ask for.

We had our A/S today and my husband and I decided we would make our final pick on what we are having on the way in the car. 

My husband has been saying girl for the past week now, and I thought boy.

For me, I really didn't mind what we are having because being blessed with this miracle baby is all I asked for. Either way, I am in love. But quietly on the side I wanted a girl for my husband. He has two boys already with his ex, and has been talking about wanting a little girl the whole pregnancy. He helped to raise his exes little girl until she was 5 (from 1 year old) and has really missed having her in his life. He just loves the idea of having Daddy's little girl. Selfishly, and I know this is totally silly, I wanted to have our first baby together be different to what he has with his ex. I know, irrational, but I felt like it would just make it that little bit more special.

So we are busy getting baby's anatomy all checked and the tech says "It's a girl". My husband just welled up with tears, grabbed my hand and he has been smiling from ear to ear since. It was the most gorgeous reaction to see. He is just SOOOOO happy. 

Immediately after the scan we went to the baby store and he was whizzing around just snapping up little girl outfits saying how cute she will look in this, and that, and that. It was adorable.

So, we are Team Pink, and we are both delighted. Everything looked good, baby is healthy and super wiggly and I feel like we won every lottery running today. Life is GREAT!!!

TTC Since March 2010 - 2 angel babies - BFP December 12 EDD 12 Aug 13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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