August 2013 Moms

T&P after today's a/s, please...

Today the ultrasound tech was unable to get some views of our little boy's heart because of how uncooperative he was being (baby, not the tech).  Not worrisome by itself, but during the ultrasound our baby's heart rate dropped to 47bpm for 12 long seconds before rebounding up into the 150s where it normally is.  Our doctor was super reassuring and comforting, saying that as long as I can feel our baby moving he should be perfectly fine, perhaps he just grabbed the umbilical cord and reduced his blood supply for a moment, etc etc.  She did order a level 2 ultrasound along with a fetal echocardiogram at a place in another county that specializes in this sort of thing, and thankfully they were able to get me in for an appointment at 12:30 tomorrow.  My doctor encouraged me to keep track of baby's movements even though I'm only 20w 3d and to come in for an emergency appointment if I notice more than 2 or so hours go by without movement.

I know I'm not supposed to be worrying but holy crap.  Holy crap.

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