August 2013 Moms

Negative reaction to baby's name

Hi all. As an August 2013 mommy to be, I was wondering if any of you have decided on what to name your little one and have had negative reactions to it?

The long story short on why I'm asking is that hubby and I found out we were having a son two weeks ago today. We both decided that we love the name Landon and will be using hubby's name as the middle name, thereby producing "Landon Christopher". I'd (in hindsight, FOOLISHLY) told my mom weeks prior that if it were a boy that we were *remotely* considering the name Christian Thomas (Thomas being her maiden name). We scrapped that name due to a litany of issues - trust me there's a laundry list and she can't let go of that fleeting thought. 

She's now refusing to use the name we've settled on and it's getting ugly - fast. Anyone having similar issues or have known of this happening before?

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