August 2013 Moms

Intro - Second-time pregnancy, FTM :-)

Hi, ladies. I just wanted to say hello; I'll try to keep it short. I'm a Yankee (New York and Vermont) who has found a home in beautiful Louisville. :-) I'm 32, expecting my first baby on August 18th. I have my A/S in 8 days and can't wait.

This is actually my first baby, but my second pregnancy. When I was 27, I was a gestational surrogate for my older sister (meaning it was her embryo; I just carried him). It was a great experience that I loved. Everything was successful, and now I have a wonderful little nephew who is about to turn 5. This pregnancy hasn't been all that different -- it's just crazy that this time around, I'm the one who will have to take the baby home with me! :-) My DH and I are really excited to be new parents.

It's been awesome reading your posts, to see I'm not the only one with itchy skin, cravings (four Funfetti cupcakes yesterday), vivid dreams, and all the other joys of this roller coaster.

I'm still new to the whole posting thing, so if I can't figure out my ticker or post pictures that are gigantic -- I apologize!

Thanks for reading! :-)

P.S. I'm one of those people who didn't know that the first thing I typed into TheKnot would end up being my username for eternity. So, yeah, "ayanahazel" is something I picked out at the age of thirteen to use on AOL. Yes, that long ago. Please don't judge! ;-)

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