August 2013 Moms

Never intro'd

Being brand new to online forums like this, I didn't know it was a thing. I've posted questions and comments a few times already but never did intro. Name is Meridith, as username suggests. I'm 29 and have been married for almost 9 years. FTM and 16 weeks 5 days along. I'm a elementary teacher. My husband and I live in Arkansas. Due date is Aug 30th so I am sure this blazing summer heat and humidity we always have will be mighty pleasant. I have had lots of silly and serious questions along the way and have found this board to be useful in comforting some of my confused fears. I am definitely not alone. Ha. Finding out baby's sex this afternoon and very anxious/excited about it! Hoping everyone is enjoying their day and that we all have happy healthy 2nd and 3rd trimesters. :
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