August 2013 Moms

It's on Monday! Glad I waited....

Hi Ladies-

I posted about 3 weeks ago how it was "KILLING ME" to wait for my Anatomy scan on the 25th because we wanted to know the gender, and how I was thinking about forking out the extra cash to get ultrasound then.   Whelp, I didn't do it...we decided to wait...and we're glad we did.  The time has flown by...SUPER DUPER fast...and now we have only 5 days left (isn't that awsome)?!   We go for out A/S Monday!!!!  There are a two major things I'm hoping for with this ultrasound:

1. A Healthy baby

2. NO MORE PREVIA (i hope my placenta has moved up).

So...wish me luck ladies! and i will most def, be back on Monday sometime to let you know the dealy yo!..LOL

Hope everyone is feeling well and having a great day!Stick out tongueBig SmileWink 

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