August 2013 Moms

New to the forum!

Hi everyone :
I've finally taken the leap and joined a forum! I chose this one as the list of baby name suggestions was incredible!
So about me:
I'm 26 years old, living in the Hunter Valley in NSW
I'm an Australian and international published model but have given all of that life a break to start my family with my fianc :
This is my first bub and first pregnancy :
This is also my fiance's first bub so we are very very excited.
About bubs:
We are 17weeks and 4days
Due on 24th August
Bubs is measuring 2 weeks ahead at every scan and is VERY active
I've been feeling kicks since I was 10weeks there's a reason, calm down
My bladder and urinary tract are misplaced and have been since birth, they aren't in a 'bad position' just very far forward. So from 8weeks onwards, my uterus popped above my bladder.
So although I'm almost 18weeks, I'm HUGE! Haha!
Fundal Height: 22cms
Next ultrasound: morphology scan in 2.5weeks where we will be finding out the sex of bubs!
So, that's my story! :
Hoping to find some great info, friends and support on this site :
Sera xx
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