August 2013 Moms

Shh! Don't tell, but..

It's a GIRL! :) We were sort of expecting a boy cause all the signs seemed to point that way, but no disappointment here! My blood tests all came back just fine and we got to see LO today (obviously, lol). She wouldn't get off her head or let us see her face. She was actually surprisingly inanimate today. Our U/S tech is fantastic (and also expecting- my guess is late july? but i didn't ask) and I thought it was so funny when she kept sort of poking/jiggling baby with the scanner thingy like "come on baby! wake up! we need to see your face". LO didn't really budge, just rolled over even more. When  the tech asked if we wanted to see baby's bottom I said yes, and it was so obvious that even FI could tell. LOL. (he has a hard time deciphering what hes looking at) and then I asked tech to confirm- LITTLE GIRL! (of course, since we've had such a hard time agreeing on a girl name) Good news is that I have to have another u/s next month just to make sure baby's face is okay. :) (yay!)

I'm sad that FI seemed a little bummed/nervous about having a girl, but I think that mostly stems from the fact he is the only grandchild on both sides of his family and the last of his name, so there is some pressure there to have a boy. However his grandmas (and my mom too!) are going to be sooo excited. We decided to keep it a secret (for who knows how long) so I just had to come spill on here! Alrighty, away I go to look at frilly little lace dresses and butterfly print fabrics!

I still haven't asked or seen, is anyone else due on August 8th? Do you know the gender yet? :)
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