Pregnant after IF

Braxton Hicks Question

So what do those feel like exactly ladies? I can't decide if I'm having them or not. Sometimes my tummy gets so super hard and uncomfortable in the afternoons when I get home from work through night. It can get really uncomfortable and my belly button kinda pokes out. I had thought it was baby girl pushing out but I don't know I'd that makes sense. TIA!!
Me 25, DH 32
MF (low motility)
Trying for baby #1 for 2 years
Began stims for IVF#1 7/21/12
ER 8/2/12 - 14 eggs retrieved, 12 mature and ICSI'd, 6 fertilized. ET 8/7 - 2 embies. Beta#1 8/17: 143! Beta#2 8/20: 590! Beta#3 8/22: 1,162! 1st US 9/4: one beautiful little bean with the best sounding HB I've ever heard!
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