August 2013 Moms


So my husband is in the army and we live on base. We live in a two bedroom apartment which is fine except that I have another baby on the way. Three months ago we put in a request for a three bedroom apartment and have been waiting to hear back from them for when we can take a look at apartments, choose one, and move in. We've heard a big fat nothing. Now its getting down to the wire. Yes I still have a little ways to go in this pregnancy seeing how I am not due until the end of August but my husband however doesn't have much time and this move will be on our own. So today my husband tells me that the paperwork was lost MONTHS ago. Seriously????? Why in the world are we just now finding out about this? Oh that's right because the SGT that lost the paperwork didn't want to admit to it until he had to. This could've been handled months ago had the SGT been honest and owned up to his mistakes. I get that people make mistakes and things happen but at least be honest about it. The problem now is that not only do we have to resubmit the paperwork and wait for a response but now time is running out. My husband leaves the end of this month for a school back in the states and wont return until the end of April. Then May they will be preparing to get deployed which means no free time even to move his pregnant wife and child and then June. Well June is out too because we will be back in the states before he gets deployed so we can't move then either. So you would think that would leave July and everything will be fine but nope that's when the husband gets deployed. And all the people that were going to help us with the move are of course getting deployed with my husband. So it seems I will be 7 plus months moving all by myself. Sorry this was so long but I just needed to vent

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