Pregnant after IF

Hematoma? WWYD, bed rest?

Hi girls.

I had spotting on and off from weeks 6-8 and had a hematoma. About ten days ago, I had a major bleed and stayed overnight at the hospital. It stopped. Yesterday, I saw MFM for NT Scan and the hematoma was still there and a bit bigger. He told me to expect brown discharge until the hematoma resolves. Today, I have brown red blood. My question for you guys is... would you stay home from work and stay on bed rest until this all gets better? I'm scared to go to work. I'm scared to do anything and it worsens and then, I blame myself for something bad happening.

My rational side says to go to work. It doesn't matter if you do bed rest or sit at a desk for most of your day.  If something is going to happen, it's going to happen.

My mommy side says don't move because what if the movement causes membrane separation.

Me 33. DH 32. TTC Since 6/2011. 12/2012-m/c, CP. DH: MFI. CCT/HSG/day 3 blood work-all nl. IVF#1 ER- 8/7/12, ET- 8/10. beta 8/25 neg, I did not respond as expected. AMH: 0.88. IVF#2 BCP-10/19. Micro flare Lupron-Nov: It's a bust. IVF#3 Planned for Feb '13 with a long lupron protocol ON OUR OWN!!! BFP- 1/12/13. Yay! EDD 9/18, now EDD 9/25
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