August 2013 Moms

Help bumpies....

So to start off my names alex..19 and pregnant...18 weeks along now..I live with my hubbs and his older brother and his gf, they are all 22 and I'm the youngest...I do get EBT once a hubbs stupid bros gf pisses me off, one day she text if me and hubbs. Could pick up some hygenes I replied "no prolly not" cuz I was gnna just put no but dnt wanna b rude, mind I just lost my job over being preg.and wouldn't receive a paycheck for another 4 she got mad texting me being rude af and she's 23 I'm thinking to myself isn't she grown...she takes off wrk early comes home and starts getting in my face slamming on my bedroom door like the damn po we exchanged wrds and she got in my face so I am a fighter but knew I was with child so I pushed her...she then fell and then tried to tackle me wieghing more than I do at the time, and outta all this befor she had the chance to take me down her bf my hubbs bro tackled her to protect me so in return got more furious with me just bcuz I sed "no prolly not"...

We then squashed it coming to a conslusion of both couples buy ur own things no sharing....we dnt tlk unless our mates r in the room...and having dealing wth that..she says she can care less if my babies healthy let alone myself...I buy food with stamps and they eat it all no consideraion on asking, knowing I need to feed my baby...they drink all my jucies cuz I dnt drinks cokes while 3, 12 packs r in there for them ....the hubbs don't wanna really get involed saying well now we know NOT to put our groceries in the fridge and keep em all in my room...I think thts F'nBShiz....she slams everything every door in the house and yells and rants for no reason being a *** to live with....

Am I just moody or am I in the right...I dnt tlk to her and I told the hubbs I. Will never like her and dnt want to live with them...I do tlk her down to my hubbs and he gets mad cuz its his bros gf and cares about how he feels....but not even considering how I feel about her like I'm the witch....I feel like I'm coming second in my relationship dealing with another couple let alone its my hubbs bro...wat should I do I no longer wanna live with her and not enough money to just pick up an move...I want out I'm miserrable I stay in my room all day for 9 hours well hubbs is at wrk this is how unpleasant I am I avoid her by all means cuz I really do not respect her at all and never will I'm so stressed plz help!
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