August 2013 Moms

Why, hello!

Hi ladies! I've been lurking for weeks now. I've occasionally posted here and there, but thought I should officially introduce myself. 

My name is Amy, DH is Kris. We've been married for 2.5 years now. This LO is our first child. We found out at 16 weeks that we're having a BOY! DH is pretty excited to have a buddy to play with. LO is due to make his appearance August 20. He will be the first grandchild on BOTH sides, so he is sure to be spoiled ROTTEN! :-

This is not my first pregnancy. At 16, I got pregnant and placed my daughter for adoption at birth. I blocked out much of the pregnancy, so it is fun this time around to enjoy it without the emotions that my first pregnancy brought. I consider many of these things MY firsts, too!  :)

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and take a moment to let you know a little about me! Hope everyone has a great week!!!

AmyBeth BabyFruit Ticker
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