Pregnant after IF

Ultrasound day finally here

It's been a long 2 weeks since our second beta. I really don't like playing the waiting game. We knew that the 2 embies that we transferred were both good quality, and my betas were both really high. But I was still shocked when we saw and heard 2 beautiful heartbeats this afternoon.

We are 6w5d today. We go back again in 2 weeks for what will most likely be our last appointment with our RE, and then will be released to an OB. Both babies are measuring right on track with nice strong heartbeats (124 & 128).

I look forward to spending the next 7 months with you ladies! Happy Monday! 

Married 8/14/10 * TTC since Aug 2010 * Met with RE in Feb 2012 * DH: low motility, low sperm count, elevated FSH * Me: Stage 4 Endometriosis * Laparotomy to remove endo in May 2012 * June 2012 - DH on Rx to hopefully increase count/quality * Re-tested sperm 10/22/12, count/quality have both dropped * IVF #1 w/ICSI * Transferred 2 beautiful embryos on 2/18/13 * Beta #1 3/1/13 - 636!!! Beta #2 3/3/13 - 1796!!! First ultrasound scheduled for 3/18/13 Image and video hosting by TinyPic birthday2012_small Anniversary
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