August 2013 Moms

emotional.. i feel so dumb!

I'm not exactly an emotional person, but geez I've have been crying practically non-stop for more than an hour. Its for no particular reason, I guess, just everything and nothing. BAHH. FI works 12-hour graveyard shift, we just had a rough "morning" (for him at least) and I'm not sure if its because I'm tired from being up since super early this morning or WHAT but these tears have got to stop!

Every time I think I'm okay BAM another wave of crying. Everything from a single tear to full on head-in-the-pillow-scream-crying. I guess I was raised to believe that crying is a weakness so I just feel so dumb. And knowing that I'm about to spend the rest of this cold rainy night alone does not help one bit.. :(

Surely this is just my flippin hormones? Thinking about calling up MIL to see if its alright to spend the night at her house just so I'm not by myself (which is very out of character for me.. I needta just toughen up and get over it). In other news, FI, MIL, grandMIL and I will be going to the OB in the morning for the anatomy scan. I should be excited right now.

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