Pregnant after IF

T&P needed...kinda long

Hi all,

Hoping you can add my babes to your prayer lists. Last Saturday 3/9 I was out of town visiting family and friends when I felt a gush of fluid. I was 15w4d. Headed to the local ER and was admitted after some tests and an u/s revealed that baby A's membrane had ruptured and there was no measurable amniotic fluid around him/her. Crushed, I had my mom call DH was home. It was too late to catch the last flight out so he drove the 8+ hours through the night to get to me. I saw my moms OB who was mine before moving and he said that baby a wasn't going to make it and as long as I can fight off infection and premature labor that baby b has a chance. My OB on the other hand told me that we're going to lose both babies. DH arrived early in the morning on Sunday and after talking to dr's and nurses we decided to drive through the night Sunday to see specialists back home...some of the best in the country. We arrived back around 2am and headed right to the hospital. We saw the on call OB and were referred to the on call MFM who is part of the group we want to ultimately see. She said that without intervention ASAP I could likely end up with an infection (from the water break) which could turn into a dangerous situation for me and ultimately the babies. She recommended termination of both babies. I zoned out when she said that and the rest of the morning was a total blur. We went home shortly after and I took an ambien.

Fast forward 9 days from the initial rupture and we've seen 2 drs (1 my OB) and talked to our RE (who was by far the most supportive and helpful of anyone so far). Our last u's was Thursday and it showed to wiggly little babies with strong heartbeats and growth that has stayed on track. We're in a total holding pattern and completely lost. I keep coming back to the thoughts that I had to fight just to get pregnant with these babies so how can I possibly give up on them now and if I'm not willing to fight for them then how can I expect anyone else to?!

Today I'm 16w6days and our first obstacle was keeping me infection free the first  72 hours which we've managed to do with a heavy dose of antibiotics and being neurotic about cleanliness. Obstacle 2 was to get through the first week without going into preterm labor...check on that too. Now we have to get to a minimum of v-day and even then the prognosis for baby a isn't good. Without that amniotic fluid there will likely be no lung development and without a full sac it can prevent proper growth of limbs. We have appointments with 2 different specialists this Wednesday in hopes that someone in the medical field will give us the hope that we so need to hear from them right now. Unfortunately, this is so uncommon this early in pregnancy I think I'm going to have to continue to throw things at the wall in hopes that something sticks.

I'm doing my best to stay positive and keep the faith but at this exact moment I find myself struggling. My heart hurts. Thanks for reading and sorry for the ramble.

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