Pregnant after IF


I saw your update over on 2IF, but wanted to respond over here.  So happy everything went well today, and that we'll be seeing that beautiful little ticker later today.

My u/s went equally well (yay!) today.  I heard lots of "perfects" from the tech too, lol.  The MFM said I was "too healthy to have to come back," just what I was hoping to hear!

Little guy is measuring 3 days ahead and was moving around like crazy.  Even better, my partial placenta has totally resolved itself, so no more pelvic rest (not like I was heading that advice very much anyway), just don't go crazy, and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy.

Again, so happy for you.  Looking forward to finding out what you're having.  Funny thing is, I disproved the OWT about heart rate and sex today.  His heart rate was 162 bpm, LOL!

10/10: Married DH; 5/11: Dx: Blocked Fallopian Tube; 7/11: D&C/Hysteroscopy to remove polyp
IVF #1: 9/11: ER: 12R, 11M, 10F, No Frosties; 5dt: 2 blasts, 1 morula; DD born 6/3/12
IVF #2: 11/12-12/12: ER: 20R, 20M, 16F, 4 Frosties; 5dt: 3 blasts, EDD: 8/23/13
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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