Pregnant after IF

Exercise restrictions first tri?

Hi everyone-has anyone's RE given HR limits when exercising during the first tri? My doc has reiterated a hundred times to me that he doesn't want my HR going above 120, however one of the nurses at the office told me 140, and I can't find research anywhere to support either of those numbers. Before our IVF cycle, I ran, taught a weight lifting class for 8 years, and did boot camp and yoga, Insanity, you name it...working out 6-7 days a week.

The group fitness director at my gym noted that the HR limit of 120 is old and outdated and she specializes in prenatal fitness. It's not that I don't trust my RE, but I wonder if giving a flat HR max to all patients regardless of age, starting weight, and fitness level makes much sense at all. 

Input please, thanks ladies!

TTC #1 since 01/2011 Me: MTHFR C677t homozygous (on lovenox) DH: MFI (poor morph, counts, motility) Natural BFP #1: 05/2011, M/C @ 5 weeks RE consult 12/2011 01/2012 IUI cancelled d/t low sperm counts DH: 3 months clomid 02/2012-05/2012 NO improvement in SA 05/2012: IUI #1 with only 2 million post-wash...BFN 06/2012: IUI #2 100mg/50mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI 6 mil/4mil post-wash...BFN 07/2012: IUI #3 150/100mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI...BFN 02/2013: IVF#1 23follies/19mature/9fert with ICSI/2 A grade embies trans day5/4 B grade embies frozen. First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 :) Praying for healthy and happy baby (or babies!) PAIF/SAIF welcome! IAmPregnant Ticker
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