Pregnant after IF

***3rd Tri Check In***

Hi ladies. 
I hope I have everyone's info correct.  If not, 
please let me know. 
If you are transferring to 3rd Tri pls let me know:
How are you feeling?  Any exciting news or updates? 
Congrats to our new mommies Kaf7, and KellyRN 
Welcome to 3rd Tri crt0323, nhamilton1008,  
Vinceanddang : GL with your scheduled C/S on 3/22
Sorry for dropping you Kyna!



What are your biggest/ most important things to do  
remaining on your pre-baby to do list?
Also I will be needing someone to take over 3rd Tri
soon since I will be going out on FMLA soon and
my home computer refuses to use Excel lol.  
Please let me know if you are willing.

Name Due Date Team
mrsjami 3/23/2013 Twin Boys
candyreesecup 3/23/2013 Girl
racheyt0227 3/25/2013 Boy
CarionHeart 4/11/2013 Boy
Vinceandang 4/12/2013 Boy
DStevens429 4/22/2013 Boy
lalee73 4/23/2013 Team Green
Pennylane2 4/24/2013 Girl
Kyna81 4/25/2013 Twins/Boys
Jessica_gail2 4/25/2013 Girl
JBromberg1985 5/2/2013 Twin Girls
MrsNukem 5/6/2013 boy/girl twins
Gregermis 5/8/2013 Team Green
crt0323 5/9/2013 Boy
MrsCK 5/10/2013 Boy
JMorta04 5/10/2013 Boy
LeahB12 5/12/2013 Boy
fabulouspinkmady 5/13/2013 Twins / Boys
MsH13 5/13/2013 Twins/ Green
MBfromBMC 5/16/2012 Boy
LaineyPaney 5/28/2013 Girl
Blueyed228 5/30/2013 Twins/Purple
Roxie5739 6/4/2013 Boy
nhamilton1008 6/7/2013 Boy
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers Confirmed Pregnancy 9/18/2010 M/C 10/27/2010 BLIGHTED OVUM 10/2011 - HSG 2 blocked tubes 11/4/2011 - Lap Surgery - Extensive tubal disease (tubes opened) 1/3/12 - Repeat HSG (L tube open, R tube blocked) 1/15/12 - R tube removed Started Stim Injections 2/17/12 Follistim 300iu and Low Dose HCG 10 units Trigger - 2/25/12 ER 2/27/12 ET - 5 dt - 3/3/12 1 blast transferred 9 frosties BETA #1 - 626 :) Beta #2 - 2470 :) Beta #3 - 5470 3/29/12 - 6wks 3 days - no yolk sac, embie, or hb :( Blighted Ovum 8/3/12 - FET #1 1 flickering blast transferred 8/9/12 - POAS + 8/15/12 - Beta #1 1400 Beta #2 3200 8/20/12 - U/S 5 wks 1 day Yolk Sac seen 8/28/12 - 6wks 2 days - Heartbeat 116 9/4/12 - 7wks 3 days - HB 136 YAY! TEAM BLUE!
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