Pregnant after IF

Birth Story with PIP! (Long...)

Well, I am finally getting settled in enough to type out my birth story. Pardon if I say anything weird...I am a smidge sleep-deprived :)

Anyway, I was induced on Wednesday. Tuesday at my OB appt, my BP was 140/100 and I had +2 protein, so we decided to get the show on the road. Kevin and I arrived at the hospital at 7:30am. I was really nervous, but it was so exciting to know that in a very short time, we would be parents and would be meeting our son! My mom and dad made the trip down and showed up around 10:00.

My cervix was pretty ripe already, so I needed only Pitocin to get things going. The Pitocin was started around 8:30. I was allowed to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, but that was about it since I was on continuous monitor for both me and baby. That was the one thing about being induced that I really hated.

The contractions began, but they were pretty mild. I had a pretty odd reaction at first to the contractions. Every time I would get one, I would laugh. I had my entire labor room cracking up. My nurse said she'd never seen that before. They were rating around a 2-4 on a 0-10 pain scale, so that's probably why. At each BP check, the Pit was increased because I just wasn't responding. I began to receive the maximum dose of Pit. At that point, probably around 11:30 or so, the pain upped to about a 5 or 6 out of 10. I was still pretty happy-go-lucky though.

Here are some pics from the "pre-amnionectomy" hours:

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At around lunch time, my parents stepped out to get something to eat. A few minutes later, my OB came in and broke my water. It was like a huge gush. The moment that I sat up, I had a DOOZY of a contraction. I understood at that point why the nurse had wheeled the epidural cart into the room before the OB broke my water. I had about three SERIOUS contractions, which I rated 8/10. Whoa buddy, thank gawd for epidurals.

The anesthesiologist showed up very quickly and my epidural was easy peasy. Immediately I began to feel some relief. By the time my parents came back from lunch, all of this was done, so it really was a whirlwind. I know people say it's not really possible, but I swear I was feeling some of that Fentanyl systemically. I got extremely drowsy and a bit loopy.

At that point, my labor slowed down despite the max dose of Pit, but it was okay since I had such good pain relief and the baby tolerated labor extremely well! Around 3:00 I was checked and I was 6 cm. At that point, the epidural stopped working on my left side. I wanted to stop feeling those damn contractions!!!! Our epidurals were hooked up to like a pain control pump, so I had to hit the button several times to get relief on the left and my nurse rolled me to my left side. One unfortunate effect of relief on the left was almost complete paralysis on the right.

At about 5:30, my hubby and dad decided to get something to drink so they headed to the cafeteria. I had started complaining of rectal pressure, so my OB came back for another check at that point, and to my complete shock, she said I was ready to push!!! My mom texted my hubby and in the meantime, she took my leg with the nurse on the other, and we started pushing. Hubby finally returned and took his station at my left leg. My OB made it in. I started pushing with my OB at 5:50pm. James Robert was born at 6:18pm. His grandma and daddy were present for the birth. I had no tear or episiotomy - I have 2 very small internal stiches.

James weighed 8 lb 3.4 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. He had a bit of respiratory congestion, so I didn't feed him for probably 30 minutes, but got to do skin to skin.

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James is an awesome baby! I wasn't 100% sure about breastfeeding, but now that we are doing it, I have to say it is amazing. Like a natural Ativan! He is cluster feeding quite a bit, but my milk came in today, and he's doing better. His daddy is smitten. We both feel incredibly lucky that the birth went just as we had hoped, and overall I am feeling and doing wonderfully.

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I am dying because this SwaddleMe was put on in a haste, and it is obviously on incorrectly.

So anyway, through the pain and struggle of IF for 4 years came this beautiful angel. I feel almost like I don't deserve him. Keep hope ladies. Much love!

Lilypie Maternity tickers
James Robert ("JR") Due 3/15/2013! Our Miracle!
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