Pregnant after IF

Experience with IVIG and/or Intralipids

Hi ladies,

I hope you don't mind a question from a lurker.  I've been posting on Third Party Reproduction, since I used DE for my last cycle, which ended in a chemical pregnancy.

Anyway, I recently had a consult with an RI, and one of the recommendations is that I'll need IVIG (which is very $$$$ and probably cost prohibitive right now, unless I want to take out a loan--but that is another story). 

I remember seeing some siggys where women have used Intralipids successfully and was wondering why that wasn't suggested to me, as an alternative to IVIG?  From the little I've read about it, it seems to provide similar results, but at a fraction of the cost of IVIG.  But I also can't help but wonder, is it also really less effective?  Of course, I want to maximize my chances for my next FET, given that I only have a limited # of frozen embryos remaining from my DE cycle...and if none of these FET's work, I think we're pretty much done with IF treatments.

Any experience or advice you can provide on your experience with either Intralipids or IVIG is very much appreciated!!

Thanks in advance and wishing you all a H&H 9 months! :)

Me: AMA, DOR, undetectible AMH, carrier of SMA. MH: No known issues, aside from MTHFR. TTC since 7/11/09..with medical intervention starting in 2010, including 4 failed IVF's and 6 failed IUI's...only "success" was a chemical pregnancy in 11/2012 (credited to use of DE). 4 DE "frosties" waiting on results of immunology testing...hoping to cycle in Spring 2013. My favorite breed: image ***PAIF/SAIF always welcome***
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