Pregnant after IF

34 weeks! It's been a busy week!

The boys are still hanging in there!  The last week has been really stressful.  I started NST and BPP monitoring weekly.  My grandmother passed on Thursday.  I had a cold and ended up in L&D Thursday night.  My BP was all over the place so they kept me for 4 hours.  I had to do a 24 hour urine collection to check for pre E, which I passed.  I had to go back up Sunday to turn that in and they gave me the steroid shot to help develop their lungs.  Then I had another BPP and NST, met with a Pedi, which we loved, and had to go back to L&D for the 2nd dose of the steroid.  BP seems to be okay now.  I think it was stress.  My last day of work is tomorrow. :)  I'm hoping to keep these two cooking at least 2 more weeks but doctor said not to be surprised if I end up in the hospital Monday after my BPP and NST.  Praying that doesn't happen, but I'm willing to do whatever to have 2 healthy boys! 

Last Monday, Brandon was 3 lb 8 oz and Bradley was 4 lb 13 oz.  Brandon is lower due to the velamentous cord.  They are both sitting breech and transverse.  So when it is time I will have a c/s. 

I'm sorry I haven't been around much.  It is just so crazy around here! 

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