Pregnant after IF

What would PAIF do?

Backstory: FET on 2/5, BFP on 2/14. Betas in siggy doubled well. First u/s at 6w5d showed empty sac. Repeat u/s today at 7w4d showed empty sac again. Beta today was 16546. Doubling time of 104 hours Doc says probably not viable and to stop meds and wait for m/c or schedule d and c. He offered another u/s if I want. I feel a little crampy today, but no bleeding at all. Would my beta still be rising appropriately if there was no chance of viability?
8/2010 IVF#1 (After many failed/cancelled IUI cycles) 3dt of 2 beautiful embryos - 3 frosties Betas-12dp3dt-215 : 16dp3dt-1175 : 20dp3dt-5088 Lilypie Second Birthday tickers 2/2013 FET#1 Transfer of 1 9 cell embryo and 1 7 cell compacted embryo. Beta #1 11dp3dFET - 37 Beta #2 13dp3dFET - 71 Beta #3 16dp3dFET - 297 Beta #4 20dp3dFET - 1300 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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