Pregnant after IF

Hello, May I Join You?


I am nervous, excited and scared to intro on this board. I have been a member of the TTGP and TTTC board. My DH and I have been trying for over 16 months. My history is in my signature, PCOS and high DHEA. Some failed rounds of clomid and some mean nasty cysts. Basically, long story short I had a LAP on 1/31 to remove two large cysts and was told to come back in April for the next round of meds, well on 3/6 I got a big surprise BFP!! Beta # 1 50 (13DPO) and 373 (17DPO) and progesterone levels of 25. My first U/S scheduled on 3/18 and my third beta.

I hope, if it is ok with you if I hang around here for the next nine months. If you don?t think I belong, let me know. I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday! J

Me 29/ DH 31 TTC = 11/11 HSG = Normal, LH = Low (almost normal) FSH = LOW, DHEA = HIGH SA = Normal 11/12: 50mg of Clomid = BFN 12/12: 50mg Clomid + Estrogen Patch +Progesterone (2x a day) = BFN 1/13: Benched - FU Cyst 1/31: Laparoscopy to remove cysts on right ovary 2/13: AF arrived(2/9)Trying on our own till April
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