Pregnant after IF

Migraine help

I've had a terrible migraine since 1pm yesterday (27 hours)...I didn't think that I could hurt so much for so long. I spent all night vomiting and had to call out of work today (and I never call out!) I see the doc again on Friday and will talk to him more then, but the nurse at the office today said that there isn't much they can do. Sometimes they can Rx Fiorciet but they don't like you to take ANYTHING in the first tri. Also, I haven't been sleeping. Is Benadryl at least safe? They don't want me taking that either, but I know some docs recommend it without issue. Insomnia, vomiting, and migraines just don't mix :( I tried Acupuncture today and nothing...
TTC #1 since 01/2011 Me: MTHFR C677t homozygous (on lovenox) DH: MFI (poor morph, counts, motility) Natural BFP #1: 05/2011, M/C @ 5 weeks RE consult 12/2011 01/2012 IUI cancelled d/t low sperm counts DH: 3 months clomid 02/2012-05/2012 NO improvement in SA 05/2012: IUI #1 with only 2 million post-wash...BFN 06/2012: IUI #2 100mg/50mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI 6 mil/4mil post-wash...BFN 07/2012: IUI #3 150/100mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI...BFN 02/2013: IVF#1 23follies/19mature/9fert with ICSI/2 A grade embies trans day5/4 B grade embies frozen. First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 :) Praying for healthy and happy baby (or babies!) PAIF/SAIF welcome! IAmPregnant Ticker
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