Pregnant after IF

FB post about chiropractic care

Ugh I usually stay away from drama on Facebook but this one this morning is really irking me. Link to story saying 14 out of 15 women have been cured by seeing a chiropractor. While I am one that does get chiropractic care and believe fully in it's benefits, infertility isn't one of them and I feel this article diminshes what we IF'ers have been through. The easy quick fixes people like to suggest continually bother me. Would you post a response or let it go?
TTC since Oct 2008. 2010 endo found and removed, 2 IUI's IUI#3 becoming IVF#1 ER on 9-9-10, ET on 9-15 anb beta 9-23 BFN, 3-21-12 moving on to IVF#2 with a shared risk program ER 5-7-12 and 5DT on 5-12-12 After 3 1/2 years we had a positive beta 5-21. Heart beat 6-11, no heart beat at 8 weeks 6-19. D&C 6-22. Aug FET on 8-16 hpt bfp on 7dp5dt! Aug 2012 Decreased beta resulted in c/p onto IVF#3 Nov 2012. +hpt on 6dp5dt, so far third time was the charm. Baby B due July 29th 2013! imageImage and video hosting by TinyPic image
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