Pregnant after IF

Beta 3

So we just got the call from the RE that my beta is up to 377 and my progesterone is down to 10.4 from 10.9 on Tuesday.  When I asked about my progesterone being low she basically shut me down and said the doctor personally looked at my labs and didn't think I needed supplements.  Then she starts the same BS the nurse on Saturday gave me about signs of miscarriage, how they don't know what will happen, etc. I told her I feel great, have some early pregnancy symptoms and am very optimistic.  She basically shrugged it off.  My H is so angry at the office. He called and demanded to speak to the doctor immediately. We are waiting for a call back.  And now the RE wants to see us ASAP  next week to "discuss our lab results".  I'm at a loss.... I've already cried ugly tears and I'm just kind of shell shocked.  Has anyone else had this experience with their RE?  I'm batting a thousand with docs this week!
My Ovulation Chart
Me 30 H 32 * Married November 2012 * TTC since September 2012
Hx of Right Sided Heart Failure, Pulmonary Embolisms and Nephrotic Syndrome
Dx with Lupus May 2005 * Dx with PCOS Dec 2012
Referred to RE Dec 2012 * SA: Perfect! * CD3 BW: Normal * SIS: Good
Starting Feb 2013: Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel trigger = BFP!!!
EDD: 11/9/13
3/2/13 Beta # 1: 15 *Come on baby... Let's multiply!*
3/5/13 Beta # 2: 72
BabyFruit Ticker
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