Pregnant after IF


We have been crying and grieving all morning after our RE nurse told us we had no hope after our u/s showed no gestational sac and suspected an ectopic. Devastated doesn't come close to describing how we felt.

After we got home, DH urged me to go to our OB who had better imaging equipment and could possibly locate the ectopic. I was fully prepared for the OB to say the same thing, that we had no hope. I just wanted answers as to where this pregnancy may have landed.

Unbelievably, he found a gestational sac within about 10 seconds IN MY UTE.

He said its right in line with my beta which went up to over 2500 today, doubling time at 90 hours. It's definitely small for 6w2d, but it's there. 

I am floored that the two nurses at my RE's office told us we had no hope. We left there crying like we have never cried before, hurting like we've never hurt before. I want to absolutely choke them both and I have emailed the office with a scathing email about this morning and their "mistake". I will NEVER EVER get another u/s there as long as I live.

I appreciate the continued thoughts and prayers that this moves forward. We will take any and all miracles we can along the way! 

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