Pregnant after IF

Blocked tubes & IVF

I am coming from the IF board. Someone suggested to try here to get advice. Here is my story in a nutshell: 

I am 37 years old. I was diagnosed with both tubes blocked about a year and a half ago. I had the HSG done. I was never told I had hydrosalpinx, so I am assuming that is not an issue. I have gone through 3 cycles of IVF. The first one (March 2012), we had 8 eggs retrieved, 7 initially fertilized. The RE had to go through my uterus to reach the ovaries, so he wanted to put off the transfer. Looking back, I question this. But it's too late now. He froze them on day one. My friend was surprised by that because she said normally they would let them grow first. I was so green back then & didn't know what the heck I was doing or what questions to ask. The FET didn't happen until June of 2012. Of the 7 embies, only one made it to transfer. My friend explained to me how they lose cells when they thaw & if they were only day old embryos, they didn't have many to begin with. Obviously the FET was not a success. I found a new RE (90 minutes north of me, where my friend had success). It took a long time to get ready for IVF because I kept developing cysts. We were finally ready to roll in November. I had 3 eggs retrieved, 1 fertilized. As I was on my way for my 2 day transfer (and 20 minutes away from the clinic...remember the 90 minute drive?) the RE called and said the embryo stopped growing. I about lost it then and there. So now I was worried my eggs my just be no good. Or perhaps I was over suppressed. Fast forward to February...we did estrogen priming. I had 12 eggs retrieved. 5 fertilized, 2 were transferred, one was frozen (the other didn't survive). I got my BFN on Wednesday, totally crushed. Our follow up appt. is next Friday. I don't know what to think. I thought with blocked tubes, IVF would give me a good shot...just bypass the blockage, right?! Now I don't know what to think. Someone suggested having them removed, but if hydrosalpinx is not an issue, would that make sense? My FSH was 5.5 on my last blood lab. My AMH has not been measured. Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated.

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