Pregnant after IF

Giving up on sleep?

For the 3rd night in a row I didn't sleep. I fell asleep for a bit at 3:30 or so, but woke up at 5am for work (which was cancelled - yay snow days!!). 

Part of this is due to acid reflux- despite a cocktail of OB-prescribed Zantac AND prilosec, I'm still throwing up frequently at night. I tried sleeping in the recliner which is where I finally fell asleep at 3:30, but not for long. 

The other part of this is due to insomnia. I am exhausted all day long (aren't we all?) but once 10pm hits, I am WIDE AWAKE! What the heck?!

It doesn't help that the first piece of advice everyone is giving me is to get as much sleep as I can before baby arrives. Grrr. I'm still working full time and will until my EDD, so napping during the day is not an option. Is anyone else dealing with this?How are you making it through the day?

Me:28, DH:28 TTC Since 2009
dx: MFI 0% morph & low count. Occasional Anovulatory cycles.
IVF #1 4/21/12 - ended in c/p
IVF#2 8/1/12 BFP!
Grace Charlotte due 4/24/2013
7 snowbabies waiting!
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