Pregnant after IF

Paging **LUVBOSTON**

Can I ask you a favor?  Can you please PM me details about your LIT experience and the costs as well?

My lab results came back and I'm worried they will recommend LIT as part of the treatment, but I'm not too enthused about going to Mexico...honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to convince DH to go, so I wanted some info on costs, how many times you have to get it done, etc.

Also, I didn?t see anything in my lab work for testing for a "DQ Alpha HLA match" ? is that something that was run by the prior RI or the current one?

My phone consult is next week, with your "favorite" doc (LOL)?so I have all weekend to work on questions and consult with Dr. g.oogle!

Thanks in advance!! Smile


Me: AMA, DOR, undetectible AMH, carrier of SMA. MH: No known issues, aside from MTHFR. TTC since 7/11/09..with medical intervention starting in 2010, including 4 failed IVF's and 6 failed IUI's...only "success" was a chemical pregnancy in 11/2012 (credited to use of DE). 4 DE "frosties" waiting on results of immunology testing...hoping to cycle in Spring 2013. My favorite breed: image ***PAIF/SAIF always welcome***
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