Pregnant after IF

Little Snarling is a boy! (Sorry - long)

Hiya ladies

I finally had my little one on March 2! And it's a little boy!

I won't lie - labor sucked for me. Late thursday night after i went to bed I started having cramps and then realized they were coming in regular intervals. And by early morning they were ranging 5-8 minutes. My OB goes with the 411 plan - contractions 4 min apart for at least a minute lasting one hour. So by 9am the next Friday morning, I called my OB and they said to come in to see how things were progressing. In the office - the OB said I was only at 2cm and to continue waiting until contractions were 4 min apart. All of Friday goes by and some of the contractions had me in tears and doubled in pain. A few hot showers helped but I couldn't even rest in between. So nearing 4 am Saturday morning, I've been without sleep and I can't stand the pain. MH phones the doctor and gets the on call OB and they say to get to Labor and Delivery. When I get there, internal check shows me still at 2cm. No progress for all that pain.

My OB comes in around 6am and he can see things aren't going well. I'm exhausted and I now have high blood pressure. He calls for an epidural then pitocin to get things moving and then breaks my water. Cried through my epidural as I have huge needle phobia - especially the part where I know I'm getting injected into my spine. But it brought great relief. I was able to rest for a couple of hours and before you know it I was completely dilated and baby was ready to be pushed out. Next thing you know, my sweet baby boy was on lying on me.

Sebastian was a tiny guy. Only 5lbs 4ozs. 

They gave us a few minutes to hold him and take a few pictures then they took him to the well baby nursery with MH while they got me ready to move to the recovery room. With the high blood pressure - they put me on magnesium sulfate - sucked - because it made me feel like I was in a haze and very heavy all over but they wanted to be cautious.

Then as I'm lying the recovery room, MH is sending me messages that he is showing low blood sugar so they want to wait an hour and retest him. They finally come to my recovery room a few hours later but the baby can only stay for a few minutes since his blood sugar was low. They put him in the intermediate care nursery and MH stayed with him while I was in the recovery room alone. The pediatrician explained that it's common with small babies to have blood sugar issues but it's no consolation to me. I'm in a shared room only separated by a curtain and the mom next to me that also just gave birth has a bunch of visitors and a lovely crying baby in a bassinet next to her bed while I'm alone.

Later in the evening, they finally let me off my bed and wheel me and my IVs to the baby's nursery so I can hold him. Since I was still on the magnesium sulfate for 24 hours, they wouldn't let me walk because it causes drowsiness. And they had to have a nurse escort me to the nursery. Thankfully my OB showed up early the next morning and took me off the magnesium and I was able to shuffle back and forth to the nursery to hold the baby.I got discharged on Monday and baby is still in the hospital.

After a cocktail of antibiotics and lots of labs to rule out infections, blood cultures done, and way too many heel pokes for a new infant, my little guy is finally looking better. He's finally able to eat enough to keep his blood sugar up and get weaned off a glucose IV this morning. If he can his numbers up tonight and tomorrow morning, he'll be home tomorrow afternoon.

With the emotional roller coaster on the front end and back on it again, seeing his precious face, I'm so crazy in love.

See ya all over on SAIF!! 

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