Pregnant after IF

a few 3rd tri questions...

Now that we have less than 7 weeks, I am just twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the finish line!

This week I made 6 freezer-to-cropckpot meals to have for when baby comes home. I also packed my hospital bag - yikes! We have to set up a few more things (swing, pack n play) and install the car seat. Other than that I'm ready to go!

Baby girl sure isn't ready, though! She's still at an angle, pretty much almost completely transverse. I'm hoping she'll start to move head down soon! I wonder if this means she is small?? Don't babies typically turn by now? I can't imagine she has that much space to be sideways still!

Also, what are you all planning to have in stock at home for postpartum care? Baby has plenty of things, but I know I should have some stuff for my recovery too! Any suggestions??

Me:28, DH:28 TTC Since 2009
dx: MFI 0% morph & low count. Occasional Anovulatory cycles.
IVF #1 4/21/12 - ended in c/p
IVF#2 8/1/12 BFP!
Grace Charlotte due 4/24/2013
7 snowbabies waiting!
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